Embedded Insights

Welcome to our blog dedicated to all things related to AVR, Arduino, NodeMCU, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi! We are passionate about these powerful and versatile platforms and want to share our knowledge and expertise with you. Our blog covers a range of topics, from basic tutorials for beginners to advanced projects and applications for experienced users.

Whether you are looking to learn how to program with Arduino or explore the capabilities of the Raspberry Pi, our blog has something for you. We provide step-by-step guides and code samples to help you get started with your projects, as well as tips and tricks for optimizing your code and troubleshooting common issues.

We also cover the latest developments and trends in the world of microcontrollers and single-board computers, including new hardware releases, software updates, and emerging technologies. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in these powerful tools, and to foster a community of makers, hobbyists, and professionals who share our passion.

So, whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, join us on our journey to explore the endless possibilities of AVR, Arduino, NodeMCU, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi. Together, we can unlock the full potential of these amazing platforms and create innovative solutions for the future.

  1.  AVR-programming
  2.  LED control using wifi with nodemcu
  3.  Arduino first project LEDs controlled
  4.  Node MCU LED control via WIFI
  5.  Read ADC value with nodemcu
  6.  Timer using AVR
  7.  ADXL345 with Rasberry Pi
  8.  MPU6050 with Rasberry Pi
  9.  HMC5883 and-HMC5983
  10.  ADXL345 collecting data and plotting
  11.  programing AVR on ubuntu with USBasp
  12.  node mcu arduino IDE in ubantu
  13. pixel LED Wesak 2020
  14. IOT ESP8266 Node-red Rpi
  15. Home Automation Step-1
  16. Home Automation Step-2
  17. secure copy file SCP Rpi to Ubuntu  
  18. HiveMQ MQTT publish DHT11 data using ESP32
  19. NTP network time protocol  
  20. OLED interface with ESP8266 -SPI
  21. Home Automation Step-3 
  22. AVR programming using Ubuntu 
  23. Home Auto Ver-2 all files 
  24. Modified Air Quality Health Index 
  25. ESP-32-CAM CAR using Thinker AI 
  26. How to integrate two identical I2C Device with ESP32 
  27. PID temperature controller using esp32 
  28. esp32 code using micropython 


Raspberry Pi Course for Beginners 


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