Friday, March 10, 2023

How to integrate two identical I2C devices with ESP32

 I2C (IIC) communication protocol 

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a serial communication protocol that enables devices to communicate with each other over short distances using only two wires. It was developed by Philips Semiconductors (now NXP Semiconductors) in the 1980s and has become a widely used standard in the electronics industry.

The I2C protocol is used to communicate between various digital components on a circuit board, such as sensors, memory chips, and other peripherals. It uses a master-slave architecture, where one device (the master) controls the communication and initiates data transfer, and one or more devices (the slaves) respond to the master's commands and provide data as requested.

The two wires used in I2C are a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). The SCL line is used by the master to send clock pulses to the slave devices, while the SDA line is used to transmit data between the devices. The protocol includes various control signals, such as start and stop signals, to initiate and terminate communication between the devices.

I2C is a simple and versatile protocol that is widely used in embedded systems and IoT devices. Its low cost, low complexity, and low power consumption make it an attractive choice for many applications.

How to scan I2C device addresses using ESP32

To search for I2C device addresses using an ESP32 microcontroller, you can use the Wire library provided by the Arduino IDE. Here is an example code that demonstrates how to scan for I2C device addresses using an ESP32:


In this code, the ESP32 scans through all possible I2C device addresses from 0x01 to 0x7F, and sends a "beginTransmission" command to each address. If the address responds without an error, it is considered a valid I2C device and its address is printed to the serial monitor. If an error occurs, it is also printed to the serial monitor.

You can modify this code to suit your needs, such as changing the range of addresses to scan or adding additional commands to communicate with the devices found.

 How to integrate two identical I2C devices

To integrate two identical I2C devices into a microcontroller, you need to assign each device a unique I2C address. By default, most I2C devices come with a fixed address, but many devices have a way to change the address through a configuration register or by using address pins.

Here are the general steps to integrate two identical I2C devices into a microcontroller:

  1. Find the default I2C address of each device by checking the device's datasheet or user manual. If both devices have the same default address, you need to change the address of one of the devices to avoid conflicts.

  2. Determine the method to change the address of the device. This can be done by either programming a configuration register in the device or by setting specific address pins on the device.

  3. Connect the two devices to the I2C bus on the microcontroller using separate SDA and SCL lines. Make sure to connect the power supply and ground connections as well.

  4. Change the address of one of the devices to a unique address using the method described in step 2. You can use the Wire library in Arduino IDE to send configuration commands to the device.

  5. In your microcontroller code, specify the unique I2C address for each device when communicating with them over the I2C bus. Use the Wire library to initiate communication and send/receive data from each device.

By assigning a unique I2C address to each device, you can differentiate between them and communicate with them individually using the same I2C bus on the microcontroller.


How to Modify Change I2C Address (as example OLED Display )

The process to change the I2C address of an OLED display may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer of the OLED display. However, here are some general steps you can follow:

  1. Find the datasheet or user manual of your OLED display to determine if it supports changing the I2C address. The datasheet should provide instructions for how to change the address and what address options are available.

  2. If the OLED display supports changing the address, locate the address configuration pins on the display. These pins are usually labeled A0, A1, and A2.

  3. Change the address configuration by either soldering a jumper to connect the desired address pins to ground or to Vcc (depending on the specific OLED display). Alternatively, some OLED displays may have an address configuration command that can be sent over the I2C bus.

  4. Verify that the address configuration was successful by scanning the I2C bus using an I2C scanner or by checking the status of the display through your microcontroller code.

  5. Update your microcontroller code to use the new I2C address when communicating with the OLED display.

Here's an example of how to change the I2C address of an OLED display using an Arduino and the Adafruit SSD1306 library:


 To change the I2C address of the OLED display using the Adafruit SSD1306 library, you can use the begin() method to pass in the new I2C address. For example, to change the address to 0x3D, you can modify the begin() method like this:

Make sure to also change the address configuration pins on the OLED display to match the new address. 


How to use TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer to integrate three OLED with esp32 


To use the TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer to integrate three OLED displays with an ESP32, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the TCA9548A to the ESP32 using the I2C interface. The TCA9548A has its own I2C address, which is used to communicate with the multiplexer.

  2. Connect each OLED display to one of the eight I2C ports on the TCA9548A. Each port is independent of the others, and you can use up to eight devices with the same address by connecting them to different ports on the multiplexer.

  3. In your ESP32 code, use the Wire library to communicate with the TCA9548A and select the port that corresponds to the OLED display you want to communicate with. To do this, you first need to write a byte to the TCA9548A to select the port you want to use. You can then communicate with the OLED display using the Wire library as usual.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the TCA9548A with three OLED displays:


In this example, we first define the I2C address of the TCA9548A and the OLED display. We then initialize the OLED display using the Adafruit SSD1306 library. In the loop function, we select and communicate with each OLED display in turn. To do this, we first write a byte to the TCA9548A that selects the corresponding port. We then clear the OLED display, write some text to it, and display the text. Finally, we add a delay to give us time to read the display before moving on to the next OLED display.

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